Talking to Myself

Closed eyes reveals myself more than eyes wide open. Adnan Kakazai.

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When the soul suffers the longing

breath feels the suffocation

Adnan Kakazai

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Soul encountered the worst fear, again
it is not in this lifetime, again

Dig deep into the darkness, again
dive in the abyss of the unknown, again

Love is not for you, proved, again
for you are here to search, again

Tired, humiliated, start it all over, again
you have to do it, again

I know this again and again will be the end of me
maybe I am not yet prepared, again

Adnan Kakazai

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The bat who wanted to see the sun…

One night a bat said: “how is that I

Have never seen the sun; I wonder why?

I long to lose myself in its pure light;

Instead my wretched life is one long night –

But though I travel with my eyes shut fast

I know I will reached the promised blaze at last”.

A seer had overheard and said; “What pride!

A thousand years might bring you to its side;

You are bewildered, lost – you could as soon

Attain the sun as could an ant the moon”.

The unpersuaded bat said: “Never mind,

I will fly about and see what I can find”.

For years he flew in an exhausted trance

And murmured as he tried in vain to fly;

“Where is the sun? Perhaps, I have passed it by?”

The seer was there and said: “you have managed one

Short step, and yet you think you have passed the sun;

You live in dreams! Shame crushed the bat; he felt

The last thin remnants of his courage melt,

Humble and wretched he sought out the Way –

he understand, he said, “I will obey”

Farid Attar

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The one who…

He said, “Why is the palace deserted?”

I said, “They all fear the thief.”

He said, “Who is the thief?”

I said, “The one who keeps me from you.”

He said, “Where is there safety?”

I said, “In service and renunciation.”


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The Soul…

What is it?

An inner voice, an almost weightless entity, a conscious or a way of life. An attitude, a mindset, a link between heart and mind. A feeling of being in love with someone or divinity. A passage of time that needs to pass in any case. A cage for life, hidden for some or overexposed for others. A facade between the positive and negative gauging the positive for this world to be livable for many. Are all these variables define what the soul is? Or soul is mere nothing. Not definable by every possible means, not by any words or circumstances. In all, how to proceed forward in understanding the soul’s journey in this known world that is most of the time unknown.  

Extract from “The Soul’s Journey”

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The spinning…

Image by Adnan Kakazai: An ice cube spinning in a mug)

(Image by Adnan Kakazai: An ice cube spinning in a mug)

The more closer you are to the nucleus the less is the spinning. The souls far away from the nucleus require energy to penetrate in the direction of the center. The direction can be away from the nucleus depending upon how perception play with the soul. Energy is either absorbed or emitted during the process and in the end it is our intuition which indicate to some blessed souls that now they reside in the nucleus. Finally the effect of centripetal and centrifugal force is neutralized.

The souls parting themselves away from the spinning will be standing away from the whirlpool but it is only time when the gravity of center start attracting in accordance with the pureness. All know naturally that to breathe fresh air is only in spinning and nothing else.

There should be only one worry for any pure soul in the end, how to remain in the nucleus forever.

Adnan Kakazai


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Time to meet…

Oh my beloved purify me
Scorch me, boil me
Jolt me, shake me
Open my bleak corners
Close my false openings
Spoil me in peacefulness 
Eradicate darkness and then
Throw me in further darkness
To the abyss of the anonymous
Till I stretch to a point 
When faith befriends me
To cross the razor-sharp thin line
From the unknown to the known
Then make me hear from you
That the desire for union is over
Death is now a celebration
Time to meet the beloved has arrived
Take it, it is yours
Beloved is all yours


Image: Google

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Amazed I am…by Mansur Hallaj.

Amazed I am on myself and you
The zenith of my desire

You blessed me proximity
Till I thought that “you” are “me”

I lost myself in getting you
Till you made me destroyed in myself

Oh my blessing in my life
And after burrial my relaxation

Without you I have no present
You are the only one in my fear and in my peace

Mansur Hallaj (858 – 922).

(Translation: Adnan Kakazai – errors/ommissions regretted please)

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Sitting alone in a romantic place and a restaurant
Naturally absorbing the ambiance
Detaching myself from rest of the world
Feeling love inside

With chef choice just served on the table and a voice
Enjoy your meal, Sir

Looking at the meal, then seeing here and there
Asking myself, have you done this yet?
To enjoy the meal

Then asking what in real the enjoyment is
Is it to have a decent meal in a romantic place, restaurant?

Or to be in the company of love sitting in front
And may be nothing else
No restaurant, no meals, just nothing

I took the meal as usual hurriedly
And left


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Love is simple…

Image Copyright: Adnan Kakazai

Image Copyright: Adnan Kakazai

Love leads you to a path, which is different, with hurdles most of the time, self-annihilation, sacrificing all the happiness of life except the happiness which is with love. It is a submission, a total surrender to the one whom you love as you yourself don’t want to do a thing on your own. It is what other say or even think, just need to fulfill first the desire of the other, and that is what matters.

In modern days’ time, with the world around us offering a very supersonic way of how to spend life, as we all are just too much dependent on the clicks, swipes and status updates that we are going away from the very basics of life and in that one very basic is love. We and the generation to come is just void of love, they treat love as a wastage of time, they don’t like to be dependent on others in love, they don’t want somebody rule them as in love, and simply they don’t want to be possessed which is a basic ingredient of love.

Is there any Romeo Juliet present now-a-days who showed us from the very basic definition of love to the utmost extreme a person can go whoever jumps in the river of love. I see eyes, I see gestures, I see people but where are those eyes that can pierce into your soul, that can see through the inner most core of your existence and tell you what you are, how pure you are, what you want and what you want to be? What are you made of and what capabilities you have? Yes, such traits are always conveyed to you by your love if it is true, pure of the highest possible level. Is there a thing like this now-a-days?

At the same time we are not now used to pains and suffering and in love if you don’t have pain or suffering it is simply not love. Modern day humans simply don’t want any pain or sufferings, enabling me to suggest that they might even then don’t want to be in love. They want a partner who don’t interfere in their lives, gives them a lavish life style, money to spend and children will grow mostly on their own without knowing what their parents are doing. They before committing to spend life together want a life style much more lavish, ostentatious, and luxurious than their parents eliminating from very start all the basic ingredients of love from their lives.

Love also walks away from those people who have no space for love in their lives. But love hunts; it hunts souls with purity, desire, compatibility to absorb, capability to display and capacity to take the hardships. Love is not for ordinary people, it is for special people who are not judged by the false standards of living but for the character, the thinking, and they in a very broad sense always have an affinity towards the religion, they have a will, and a form of blood running in their veins which knows what a sacrifice is, how to get at that stage and how to make full use of it.


Image Copyright: Adnan Kakazai

People in love are out there, simply they are hidden, minority, too afraid to show as they know no one will understand. They simple don’t want anybody to take them lightly so it is better to be silent then make people understand because if there is a soul in search of love, love at the end will hunt and capture that soul. No one in modern time will understand that in love pain is together and it does not matter who first got it, the second person is bound to get it. No one will understand that a simple breath you take is so synchronized that sometime you will breathe with the others heart. No one will understand that happiness is not always alone, it is always together. No one will understand the level of relaxation, contentment and tranquility which you attain only by hearing one or two words of other and the rest is just meaningless. No one will understand that distance in love is always squeezed to just nothing and time is like a time dilation phenomenon. The time spent together is what time is and the rest is just a life-less life which you spend for the sake of spending and that is it. Are such people living who can understand all these facts? The answer is a yes.

Those who are swimming in deep waters of love need to encourage the pure souls standing along the water afraid to jump. Those people need support and a clear will that life sometime is not all about status, success or anything else, it is contentment and love is the only way to give contentment to a soul who will ultimately one day will leave your physical body and it will only carry love on a journey ahead and nothing else.

Lastly, and coming to an affinity towards relegion, we are getting away from God also. On a broad sense and making it all logical, loving a human is the very first stage to love God and submitting all to Him. The wise people before us had conveyed to us in their poetry, in their writings and through their way of life that how they made it all quite understandable by just moving away for what we are most attracted to. This they achieved through love which then at the end only lead to the love for Him which is what it is. The highest pinnacle of one’s life may be the purpose for which a soul is sent in this world. May be one in millions will or has attained this stage now-a-days but whoever the lucky one is, for that human world is just a blink of an eye, the real and the most wonderful is yet to come and is quite content to spend this temporary life which only need a micro second to pass.

Love is very simply to understand, don’t make it complicated like we are used to do with our lives and the life around us.

Image Copyright: Adnan Kakazai

Image Copyright: Adnan Kakazai